Not only does setting goals keep you accountable, but it also allows you to reflect on your past endeavors, and set new directions and destinations for yourself. 

Three key benefits to setting goals are:



By setting goals, you make a clear list of what’s important to you, and this can take the weight off when it comes to making decisions. Instead of being faced with a decision that leads to an unclear path, you are now able to make better decisions on how you want to proceed and follow paths that reflect, and help you accomplish, your greater goals.



Goals give you focus and something to aim for, whether it’s a financial goal, career goal or study goal. They help you establish a path to where you ultimately want to be in life and what you would like to achieve. 

Setting goals helps you move forward with purpose, alignment and direction,



With something to aspire to, goals can provide incredible motivation and purpose. Long term goals are often accompanied by short term goals, which are effectively ‘milestones’ in life, that serve to get you closer to your big life goals.

With clear written goals, you are able to focus and take positive proactive steps to achieving them.

The process of setting goals can sometimes be overwhelming, but it’s an incredibly invaluable exercise that will ultimately help you create the life you want, and offer you greater satisfaction in your achievements.