Preparing for an interview can be overwhelming and intimidating, however, there are several steps you can take to prepare yourself and feel confident. 


Preparing for an interview primarily means taking the time to thoughtfully consider your qualifications, goals, aspirations and mission. 


Below are five tips to help you prepare for a successful first job interview. 

1. Examine the job description – understand and unpack what the employer is looking for in a successful candidate. The job description will list the qualifications, qualities and background the employer is seeking in an ideal candidate. The more you align yourself with these the more you can showcase that you are a qualified for the job. 

2. Understand the company – perform research on the company and role, understanding what the company does, their missions, vision and goals is important but will also help provide context for your interview.

3. Consider your answers to common questions – While you won’t be able to know exactly what they will ask you. You can prepare for some basic questions:  

  • Why do you want to work here? 

  • What skills and knowledge can you bring to the organisations? 

  •  What interests you about this role?

  • What are your greatest strengths? 

4. Practice your public speaking skills – It’s important to make a positive and lasting impression during the interview process, so practice speaking out loud and answers potential questions that you may be asked.

5. Conduct a mock interview – consider asking a family member or friend to practice doing a mock interview with you. Get them to ask you potential job interview question and practice answering them.  This will help to boost your confidence.