It’s without question that 2020 has thrown us in all sorts of directions. One thing we know for sure, is we all are in great need of a well deserved break over the Christmas season. 


This upcoming Christmas period is the perfect time to take a step back from your desk, close your emails and all work-related tabs, pull out your favorite book and take some time to put your feet up and reset your mind for the year. 


If you’re someone who is constantly on the go throughout the week you may be someone who falls under the bracket of feeling guilty for not working hard. Trust us - this is common and we’ve all been there. 


However, if 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that stopping to reset is sometimes the best thing we need to regain focus and thrive in all aspects of our lives. Try to train your mindset into knowing that taking a step back is necessary for your growth and development. You cannot thrive in any aspects of your life if you’re burnt out and overwhelmed with all things around you. 


To help you stay on track and thrive throughout the Christmas period is to allow yourself to set boundaries. This may be in all aspects of your life, including taking on too many extra shifts at work or filling up your social calendar to see your friends and family. Set boundaries with yourself, your non-negotiables; things that you need to achieve or cross off your list daily to succeed. 

Allowing yourself the time you need to stop and breathe will not only help you thrive during your break, but also reset your mind ready to go back into work/school. It will most likely reset your mind enough to excite you to want to go back to work. 

Lastly and most importantly is make sure you’re having fun. You worked hard over the last 12 months, you deserve to have some ‘you’ time with your loved ones. Spend your free time with those who make you happy and who encourage you to be the best version of yourself. This will enable you to grow and thrive during the festive season. 

From all of us here at Stirling Institute, have a wonderful Christmas season and a very happy New Year.