The Aged Care industry is one of the fastest growing industries in Australia with 

regards to employment projections.


The future growth of the aged care sector in Australia in expected to be significant in the coming years. It has been forecasted to double, over the next 40 years increasing from around 3.6 million in 2014-15 to 8.9 million by 2054-55. (Aged Care Health) 

The aged care industry provides older Australians with a range of different services, allowing them to access appropriate levels of care when they require it. At present the aged care sector is made up of a workforce that directly employs more than 350,000 workers and supports over 189, 283 residential care facilitates and 66,149 home care facilities. (Deloitte Access Economics)

With the significant increase in aging Australians, the Australian Government is predicting a that 76,000 new residential aged care facilitates will be required by 2023-24 to meet the growing demand, and therefore we are expected to see a tremendous increase in the number of jobs available. (Deloitte Access Economics) 

The role of an aged care worker within the industry can vary from nurses, care workers, management and administrative staff support roles. 

Stirling Institute of Australia’s Certificate IV in Ageing Support (CHC43015)prepares you to care for Australian seniors effectively in residential facilities or in their homes, making a real change in their lives. 

This qualification reflects the role of workers in the community and / or residential setting who follow an individualised plan to provide person-cantered support to people who may require support due to ageing, disability or some other reason.

Interested in learning where a career in the aged care sector could take you? Speak with one of our career consultants today on 1300 790 265 or enter your details in the contact us form on our website for a representative to call you. 

Please note –This training is delivered with Victorian & Commonwealth Government Funding. (Eligibility Criteria applies - speak with our representative to learn more). 


Source – 

(1)  2019, Aged Care Health,

(2)  Deloitte Access Economics: Australia’s aged care sector: economic contribution and future directions