Productivity refers to the measure of the efforts you make towards accomplishing your goals.

How well do you manage your time? We have put together our top 6 tips for boosting your productivity in 2023. 

6 Top Tips for Boosting Productivity:

✏️ Track Your Time.

It’s difficult to plan your time if you don’t know how you spend it.Plan your study and your breaks, both are equally as important. 

✏️ Take Regular Breaks.

Rather than reading your material from start to finish, absorb it in small chunks, then reflect and review before you move on. It’s important to stand up and stretch, twist and roll your spine every 45 minutes. Then every 2 hours you should get outside for a quick walk, or a grab a cup of tea in a sunny spot, this will keep your mind clear and focussed.

✏️ Plan Ahead

Start by making a list of the key areas you will be tested on and decide which subject will focus on each day. Then write notes or make flash card on the key section you want to cover.

It’s also important to set up your study space. Make sure you have plenty of natural light, fresh water, clear work space.

✏️ Organise Your Time.

Set yourself strict deadlines. If you tend to get caught up in the moment then perhaps you should set alarms on your phone to keep on track. 

✏️ Eat Healthy.

When you have a busy day of study, exercise and work looming… get your body prepared. The best way to do this, is to fuel it with healthy whole foods.

✏️ Get Plenty of Sleep

The most important aspect of productivity, and often the one most neglected… SLEEP! Get plenty of it. This cannot be overlooked… and when we don’t get enough everything else starts to crumble.