Exercise has many benefits, from improved heart function to reducing the risk of many diseases, and it’s also highly important when it comes to improved overall mental health and brainpower.

Exercise as a Brain Power Booster

Regular exercise helps to improve both memory and thinking, and it’s not limited to specific types of exercise. Whether you’re fond of weightlifting, yoga, walking or kickboxing, each has the same benefits to your brain. The aerobic element of exercise ~ also known as cardio ~ raises your heart rate which in turn increases blood flow to your brain. This is then accompanied by an increase in breathing speed which helps to pump more oxygen into your bloodstream, which in turn is delivered to your brain. So not only has your brain benefited from an increase of blood, but it’s now also receiving an increased supply of oxygen through the blood. This then leads to the production of neurons ~ known as neurogenesis ~ in certain parts of your brain that control memory and thinking. 

Exercise also promotes the production of neurotrophins, which are proteins that aid neuron survival and function. These neurotrophins lead to an increase in brain plasticity, and therefore, better memory and learning.

Put it to the Test

What’s the best way to see how exercise affects your brainpower? Put it to the test yourself and begin adding exercise to your daily routine. Any exercise that leads to an increase in heart rate will be beneficial, and you can start slowly by walking. If you’re not interested in walking, consider other moderate exercises, such as swimming, cycling or dancing.

But how much exercise should you do, exactly? Getting in at least 30 minutes of exercise on most days should lead to a noticeable improvement in your memory and cognitive function. No matter the exercise style you choose, commit to making it a part of your daily routine to see the full benefits.