Are you ready to thrive in your chosen study area? Here are six tips and tools to support and motivate you to thrive in your chosen studies. 

Create a Comfortable Environment -  Where you study has as much of an impact as how you study, and ensuring that your environment is clean, de-cluttered and quiet is very important to the learning process. For this reason, a lot of students choose to study in a library or at home in a quiet room.

Preparation is Key - Have you taken the time to plan out your studies, such as the topics you need to cover, the time you have to cover them and what you would like your outcome to be? It’s important to think about any areas of your own that are weaknesses and how you can address them in your studies.

Create Goals - In line with preparation, goal setting can assist in keeping you on track and accountable. When setting goals for your studies, examples could be duration of study or topics to be covered. 
Setting goals assists you in staying motivated and can be used for both long-term and short-term projects.

Ask for Help - It’s understandable that there may be holes in your knowledge on a topic or key area of study, but rather than spending time searching for answers on your own, draw from those around you who may be able to help. Teachers, classmates, friends or family are great resources for your studies.

Start Now - Procrastination is the enemy of motivation, and sometimes the hardest part of a task is to actually start. Set yourself a start time and commit to it without allowing yourself ‘another five minutes’ of TV or social networking. It will be a lot more rewarding than procrastination!

Reward Yourself - You’ve set and reached your goals, and now it’s time to reward yourself. Little rewards along the way can assist with keeping motivation levels and productivity high.