Finding a healthy work-life balance can often be a challenging task. While work-life balance means something different to everyone, we have some tips and tools that you can implement to support you on your journey. 

Create a Structure 

Planning out your day has many benefits, the most compelling of which is time management. Instead of trying to do everything at once, determine which of your tasks are urgent and to be completed immediately, important but could wait, and non-important. By breaking your tasks up in this way, you can manage your day more effectively allowing for additional free time. 

Put a Timer on Technology

Mobile phones and TV are some of the largest culprits when it comes to distraction. When you have time to yourself it’s easy to reach for your phone and get distracted on the task at hand. Instead, put some time aside each day to check your phone and avoid mindless scrolling. 

Exercise is Key

Ensure you make time each day for quality exercise. Exercise has been proven to assist in reducing stress levels, clearing the mind and boosting brain power. Which in turn meaning more productivity at work and more quality time at home. 

Limit Time Wasting

Similar to putting tech on a timer, it’s important to recognise all time-wasting activities. These can include procrastination, indecision, social media and streaming services. Making a conscious effort to reduce these activities and help free up more time and create a healthier balance.

Start Small

All change takes time, and jumping into a new life structure - no matter how beneficial - needs to be taken slowly to ensure it becomes a part of your routine.