With all the distractions we’re faced with on a daily basis, from our computers, to our phones, it can be tricky to stay focused while studying. 

We’re unpacking five of our favourite methods for helping to boost - and maintain - your concentration while studying.



1.     Mute All  Notifications on your  Devices.

Whilst receiving a notification is only a small distraction, putting your phone down right away can be tricky. Reading the notification can lead to reflex habits, such as scrolling on social media. 


This is usually an unconscious decision, and as such can be difficult to eliminate. To avoid this temptation, log out of social media apps or mute chats that you may be tempted to check.


If you are working on a timely subject or wanting uninterrupted study time, it might be work turning your device off or putting it somewhere out of reach so you cannot see/hear the notifications. Allow yourself the reward once you’ve finished studying. 


2.     Take Regular Work Breaks 

Taking regular breaks can boost your energy levels, your motivation to sit down and study and your concentration, helping you to absorb and store new and useful information.


We recommend taking a mid morning break, and having something to eat to boost your brain power and get you up and out of your chair, as well as a longer lunch break doing something you enjoy, rather than scrolling through social media.


Go for a wal or call a friend; anything that's going to distract you and move your mind away from the content you are absorbing whilst studying. 


Not only will this help boost your concentration levels but also will decrease lower back pain and headaches. Win-win. 


3.     A Clean Environment 

Your environment plays a huge role in how well you are able to sit down and concentrate. Decluttering your home or your specific workspace allows your mind to feel free and to think more clearly. 


Have you thought about adding some greenery into your study area? This may not only increase concentration but improve the quality of air in your environment. 


4.     Exercise Before Studying 

Aim to get up 30 minutes of exercise before your allocated study time to get that body moving.


Moving your body can look different for everyone, this could be a quick walk before breakfast or a 20 minute yoga session. Whatever it may be, starting to implement movement in your daily routine can do wonders for your levels of concentration.



5.     Listen To Music 

Did you know playing soft relaxing music in the background can help stimulate your brain? From classical and instrumental music to electronic - a tune without lyrics is the perfect music to have playing in the background whilst retaining information. 


Whatever steps you choose to take, take care of yourself and good luck studying.