Getting Clear On Your 2022 Goals

How often do you set out in the new year with a list of goals… only to get to March and realise you either haven’t accomplished any yet, or you can’t even remember what they were.

You’re not alone, it’s a common dilemma, but one that can be easily rectified. 

For a start, we need to get clear on what they are and write them down.

Goal setting allows you increased clarity on what you want in life. It also helps to challenge you to accomplish more success in your life. When we establish well thought out goals, you don’t just wander through life aimlessly.

Goals also help keep you motivated and focussed on the direction you are heading. It lets you feel more in control of your future and gives you a strong sense of purpose. This in turn has proven to help reduce anxiety and depression.

Essential Guidelines To Setting Out Goals:-

What is it you want to achieve this year?

When you think about your long term vision it allows you to establish your goals for other aspects of your life, such as social, career, sporting, and financial.

Make SMART Goals:-

When we set smaller goals keep in mind that they should follow the SMART rule;

  • Specific, clear and well defined.

  • Measurable

  • Attainable and realistic

  • Relevant to your lifelong goals

  • Timebound/ have deadlines

Write Down Your Goals:-

The best way to set your goals up for success is to commit them to paper.

When you write them down, set them in a positive statement that way they will be more likely retained.

Sticky notes are a great idea to have your goals visible and as a motivational reminder.

Create Milestones and Track Progress:-

Keeping yourself accountable ensures success. Most people give up on their goals because they are too big and overwhelming, but if you can see that you are gaining progress and improving you are more likely to stay motivated and focussed on the task.

Find a way to track your progress either weekly or monthly.

Let 2022 be the year that takes you to new heights.