Creating The Perfect Sleep Sanctuary

 your sleep often interrupted or restless?

Getting a good solid nights sleep is super important for our overall health and wellbeing. It has a direct effect on our mood, brain function and physical health. If you find it hard to fall asleep and then stay asleep, only to wake up to a screeching alarm feeling drained and exhausted, then perhaps your sleep environment is not ideal.

Here are some simple ways you can create the best sleep environment to help ensure a good night's sleep. Sometimes it’s as simple as clearing clutter and blinking lights.


A clear space promotes a clear mind. Keep your bedside table clear of unnecessary items, pick up discarded clothing and organise your wardrobe, and remove all devices with flashing lights and beeping sounds. Clutter and mess can trigger feelings of stress, which in turn effects sleep quality and duration. 


Aim to make your bedroom as dark as possible, ideally you should not be able to see the other side of the room at night. Even when you close your eyes they can still detect light through the eyelids. 

If light is leaking in around your window coverings, then maybe it’s time to invest in some new heavier curtains, or something with a heavy backing.


Experts say the best temperature for falling asleep is 16- 18 degrees. 

For many of us that means cooling the bedroom down a notch. Make sure to turn the heating off before bed and open a few windows for good ventilation. You can alway add another blanket or a pair of socks if you’re too cool, but it’s harder to change the temperature of the room.

Enjoy the serenity.