Are you lacking motivation and concentration when studying at home? If you are, you are not alone, a large percentage of students find it difficult to concentrate. 


Below we have highlighted a few simple tips and tools to support you on your studying journey and in turn support you to thrive in your chosen course:



  •  Schedule your study sessions into your calendar – The best way to achieve your study goals is by being organised. Identify a few different 2 – 3-hour blocks that you can allocate to study during the week. Remember that it is best to spread your study sessions across a few different days and not just on a single day.  


  • Take Breaks – it is essential to take regular breaks during your study sessions, generally we recommend studying for around 40 – 60 minutes and then taking a 5 – 10-minute break. #TIP - Set an alarm so that you are not constantly checking your phone. 


  • Mix up your study material – Identify some different ways to revise your study material, you might make flash cards, write summary notes, do a practice test, or ask a friend to test you. Mixing up the way we study not only support us to retain information faster, but it also keeps our study sessions fresh and interesting. 


  •  Head to your local library – Over the past year and a half we have spent a lot of time at home; as a result, switching up the location of where we study can be refreshing and in turn boost our motivation. Consider heading to your local library or a community space to study. 


  • Get organised – work out what you are going to study or focus on ahead of your study sessions. A great way to support you in this is by allocating different study units to each of your study sessions (Example – Monday 2pm – 4pm, Unit 1 & 2). By being organised ahead of the session it supports you to hit the ground running and make the most of your allocation study time. 



Our team here at Stirling Institute are here to support you to thrive in your chosen course, if you are needing any additional support in boosting your motivation and concentration, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


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