For some, working from home is an already established part of their daily routines. For others, it’s something that they’re needing to rapidly adapt to in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

We’re sharing 5 tips to make working from home easier, more focussed and highly productive.

Create a dedicated workspace

It’s easy to find yourself working from the couch, or from your bed when you first begin remote working. In the long run, this leads to poor posture, lack of focus and distractions.

Creating a functioning working environment in your home - within a spare room or at the dining table - allows you to have an area dedicated to work. This makes it easier to ‘leave work’ at the end of the day.

Get dressed

Creating a morning routine - similar to your usual workday routine - will help keep your working ay on track. Shower and dress as if you were going to work. Maintaining this routine will help you remain productive, and will lessen the chances that you find yourself working from bed, in your pyjamas.

Don’t work through lunch

In the same way that you’d utilise your lunch break at the office foie fresh air or to stretch your legs, giving yourself a dedicated lunch break when working from home is essential for keeping your productivity levels high, and your mental focus sharp.

Complete your shutdown ritual

At the end of each working day, take some time to practice a ‘shut down’ ritual. These are steps taken that, when done each day, help to form a routine, set boundaries, and effectively end your working day.

Some ideas are:

  • Ensure your inbox is cleared

  • Closed your email

  • Review your next day’s tasks

  • Set three big tasks for the following day to be completed

  • Shut down your computer

Take short breaks

Getting up to stretch every 20-30 minutes is essential for maintaining a focus and keeping your mind fresh and active. Too many consecutive hours in front of your screen can lead to waning energy, headaches and a lack of productivity.

We’d love to know if you found these tips useful, and if you have any that you’d like to add, feel free to do so in the comment box below.