No matter which career path you choose, it’s highly likely that you will need to work in a team environment for some, if not most, of your job. Working in teams - big or small - requires a skill set that most learn on the job.

Studies have shown that collaborative teams are overall more productive than teams where each member works in isolation, and collaboration has the added benefit of establishing and building trust.

Here are four tips to help get you started on working collaboratively in team environments.

Capitalise on strengths

Each member of your team, yourself included, will have unique strengths and weaknesses. Knowing how your strengths can work in collaboration to compliment another members’ strengths will help you understand the team dynamic and work more effectively together.

Encourage new ideas

For some, being a part of a wider team can be daunting, especially if they have trouble expressing their ideas and speaking up. Encouraging each member to offer an idea, solution or desired outcome ensures that each person’s unique viewpoint is heard.

Establish metrics

Working together towards a shared goal can sometimes be easier said than done. Setting expectations early through key metrics is important to hold each member of the team accountable and maintain transparency. To create a balanced system, performance metrics should be based on how well each person works, and their strengths, and should be evenly distributed amongst the wider team.

Celebrate collaboration

Maintaining momentum and motivation can be a challenge, especially with a larger team. Taking the time to highlight positive collaboration or the achievement of team goals goes a long way in strengthening the team. Simple ways to celebrate key moments are through team emails or making a point of shining a light on the person or task at a team meeting.

Next time you’re in a team environment, take a moment to implement some - if not all - of these tips for collaboration success. Following the right approach, and listening to feedback is a great path to long term results and success.