For a lot of people, the sudden shift to working or studying from home poses the challenge of staying connected, whether it’s with coworkers or fellow students. 

Thankfully, there are many solutions readily available to us for online communication while we’re unable to spend time with people in person.

Prioritise Regular Coffee Chats

Not being able to see each other in person shouldn’t put an end to social coffee chats. Simple creating a routine, even once a week on a Monday or Friday, of group Zoom meetings over coffee can help to create a sense of normality to our routines. 

Alternatively, staying ‘online’ over Slack or an online messaging platform - letting people know you’re available to talk over coffee - is another way to keep conversations going and relationships strong.

Encourage Group Chats

Further to creating one-off meetings, encouraging an always-open group chat platform can help to foster a collaborative environment and aid in staying connected. This is especially helpful for employees or students working from home who enjoy regular conversations, and helps to keep moral high. 

Friday Wind Down

Getting together over a video conferencing platform, such as Zoom, on a Friday afternoon to celebrate the week’s achievements is great for staying connected and fostering relationships. A 45 minute catch up is all that’s needed, and this has the added benefit of instilling a sense of routine and normality in life. 

Buddy Up

If you’ve set aside time for a study session, it can be helpful to buddy up with someone who may also be studying. SImply having someone join you online - either via Zoom or Slack - for accountability can be a great motivator and can help you feel more connected.

There are many different ways to stay connected, whether it’s by setting up routines or doing impromptu catch ups, but more than ever it’s important to make a conscious effort to do so.

Above all - if you’re finding that working or studying from home is isolating, it’s important to reach out to someone.