Keeping motivated at the best of times can be challenging. 


Sometimes it is really easy to get motivated and build excitement and other days you may find it nearly impossible to figure out how to motivate yourself to achieve your goals and aspirations. 


Procrastination and feeling uninspired is a regular feeling that individuals will experience from time to time, however, the great news is, that there are a number of ways we can spark the motivation back into our day to day, study and work life. 


The key is understanding what motivates you to achieve your goals, and for everyone, this will be completely different.


Here are three simple steps to discovering what motivates you:


1.     Define your goals – What do you want to achieve?

2.     Understand your why – Identify on paper the purpose behind why you want to achieve your goals.

3.     Produce a plan – once you have a goal in place, write down a plan and vision on how to achieve the goal, we recommend breaking the goal down into small 'mini' goals.


Once you have identified, what you want to achieve this will help to ignite the motivation back into your life. 

Other simply this you can do to boost your daily motivation include: 


  • Exercising – Which helps to release serotonin and boost our mood and happiness, in turn increasing our motivation.

  • Break down your goals – Write down a little daily goal you can achieve to get to your overall goal. 

  • Stay in the zone – working for hours on end will reduce your motivation, aim to work for 1 – 2 hours and then have a 30 minutes break. 


The most important thing to remember is that you can’t achieve everything in one single day. So keep it fun, get creative and don’t forget to reward yourself along the way!