As a student, it can be difficult juggling study time with other commitments. 

 However, when we plan and structure our study, we can not only be more productive, but we can also achieve more. Have you ever heard the quote “if you want something done, ask a busy person to do it. The more things you do, the more you can do” – Lucille Ball. Organisation and structure are key! 


Here are some strategies to structure a successful study day: 


  • Plan your day the day before – Each night set aside 10 minutes to work out what study you and going to complete the next day. Identify the units or tasks you are going to complete and write these down on paper. 


  • Identify when you are going to complete your study – it is important to remember to have a break after sitting at your desk for 1 -2 hours so break your study into blocks and remember to have each with at least a 15-30-minute break in between.


  • Schedule your study into your calendar – block the time out in your calendar so that you can clearly see on paper when you are going to achieve each of your study tasks the next day. 


It is important to remember to not overdo your study in one single day; it's more productive and efficient to just do a couple of hours each day than to cram all your study into one single day. 


Other key influencing factors that will support your study are: 

  • Exercising – make sure you are getting outside and moving your body regularly for at least 40 – 50 minutes each day. 

  • Nutrition – make a commitment to eat a well-balanced and nutritious diet that is full of vitamins, minerals and protein; this will boost your brainpower, mood and energy levels.

  • Sleep – invest in deep sleep, this supports your memory and in turn, will assist in having a productive study day, where the brain will retain information.