With new social distancing measures in place, it’s harder than ever to maintain an exercise regime, especially if you’re someone who enjoys working out with friends. 

In addition to this, the home environment in which we’ve all found ourselves offers many opportunities to remain sedentary, and it’s more important than ever to keep our bodies moving and maintain a healthy body and mind. 

So, how can you ensure you do this?

Spend Time Outside

Measures in place mean we’re able to spend a maximum of 1 hour outside exercising. It’s incredibly important at this time to make the most of this hour. Spend time jogging or exercising, or simply commit to an hour of walking. If you’re someone who finds an hour of walking to be boring, try listening to music or a podcast to help keep you entertained.

Take Breaks

Take regular breaks from sitting in front of your computer, at a desk or on your sofa every 40-50 minutes. These breaks don’t need to be long, and can be as simple as a quick walk to the other side of your house, getting up to get a glass of water or simply spending a few minutes on your balcony or in your backyard. 

Use Your Bodyweight

With instant access to what seems like an infinite library of free online workout videos, incorporating at home strength workouts into your routine has the benefit of not only creating healthy habits, but also of clearing your mind and keeping you physically fit. Some examples of indoor workouts can be found HERE.

Try Meditation

Meditation - in addition to reducing stress and anxiety - has the wonderful ability to promote calmness and clarity of mind. Taking up 15-20 minutes of meditation each morning will help you maintain a healthy and active mind, while also helping you gain clarity. Another benefit of meditation? It’s incredibly useful for promoting healthy brain function. 

Do you have any other suggestions? Leave us a comment in the box below.