Did you know that just 10 minutes a day of mindful meditation can drastically improve your cognitive function? 

Not only should the quality of your cognitive function be regularly monitored, but it’s also important to reflect on it in times of intense study.

Healthy brain function is essential for retaining new information, boosting concentration, reducing stress and anxiety and aiding better sleeping patterns.With that in mind, how does meditation play a part in healthy brain performance?

Meditation Improves Concentration 

If you’ve ever noticed that you have difficulty remaining focussed on one thing, chances are you could benefit from meditation. By dedicating a short amount of time each day to meditation, and teaching - or rather, allowing - your brain to focus on just the meditative task at hand, you can improve your ability to focus and concentrate on a day-to-day basis. 

Meditation Reduces Anxiety

One of the main catalysts for beginning meditation can be a desire to increase relaxation and reduce stress. However, mindful meditation has the added benefit of also reducing anxiety by loosening the connection on self-referential (“me-centred’) parts of our brains. As this connection weakens, we simultaneously strengthen the connection between our body, our fear centres and our Assessment Centre. Our Assessment Centre is the part of the brain known for reasoning, so when we experience upsetting situations we’re better able to act rationally.

Meditation Increases Memory Function

Meditation has been linked strongly to rapid memory recall, meaning we’re better able to remember newly acquired information. This skill has been linked to the added benefit of being able to ignore distractions that would otherwise mean we’re unable to absorb - and so recall - information. 

Meditation has many benefits, with only a few listed above, and can be essential for many in boosting their brain performance. 

We’d love to know if you’ve found practising meditation to be helpful in the comment box below.