2020 and 2021 unfolded in ways that many of us would not have imagined. COVID-19 has changed the way we live, work, study, connect and socialise, which has been incredibly challenging both physically and mentally. 

Taking care of our health and wellbeing during these challenging times has never been so important. 

We have captured a range of tips and tools to support you on this journey. Take the time to reflect on these tips and how you can incorporate them into your life, to support you on your own journey. 


Tips & Tools to support your mental health: 


1.     Get outside in nature for at least 30 minutes each day – Schedule time into your day to get outside for some exercise, whether it is walking, jogging, running, bike riding, yoga or a fitness session. 


2.     Eat nourishing meals – Make a commitment to eat nourishing, fresh, in-season produce. The foods that we eat directly impacts our physical and mental wellbeing, so always ensure that you are enjoying three main meals per day and two snacks. 


3.     Keep hydrated – Aim to drink 2 – 2.5 litres of water per day. Keeping properly hydrated is key to supporting our mental clarity, energy and motivation. 


4.     Ditch the news and social media – reduce your exposure to news and social media, instead invest in playing board games, reading, speaking with friends and family. 


5.     Sleep Deep – Aim to get 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Try and go to bed at the same time each night to allow your mind and body to get into a rhythm. Equally in the morning try and rise at the same time. 


6.     Create a routine – We as individuals thrive off routines so at the start of each week create your own weekly routine, within this identify when you will wake up, what exercise you are going to do, when you will do your study and what meals you are going to eat. By mapping your week out in your calendar, it can support you with direction, motivation and purpose.   


7.     Reach out to friends and family – make time to connect with friends and family where possible in-person or over the phone or zoom. Speaking regularly to the people close to us, can support in boost our happiness. 



We are all in this together and as a result you are never alone on this journey. Together we will get through this. The Stirling Institute team is here to provide support on a number of levels so if you are need some support, please get in touch by emailing